
“Progressive professors working to transform the curriculum so that it does not reflect biases or reinforce systems of domination are most often the individuals willing to take the risks that engaged pedagogy requires and to make their teaching practices a site of resistance.”
—bell hooks, “Engaged Pedagogy”, Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom, 1994, (21).

This module aspires to assist “individuals willing to take the risks” bell hooks alludes to above.  The resources offered here are starting points for individuals or groups interested in constructing a MOOC within an activist framework.  These are by no means exhaustive; visitors are encouraged to add their own links to further resources by tweeting the links with the hashtag #critprax18.

Upon completion of this module, our future collaborators will deepen their understanding of the ways that DH can inform critical pedagogy. Through a Twitter hashtag and automated tweets, we hope to avoid the digital graveyard where many earlier MOOCs lie untended and unread by providing a model for sustaining this conversation beyond the confines of this site.

Readers who are new to DH are invited to investigate this link on Digital Cultures.

Collaboratively designed by: Nick Homenda, Angelica Huizar, Michelle Iden, Jes Lopez, Laura Sanders, Jason Weins (alphabetized)


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